Nouvelle traduction : Revue française de sociologie
ISSN (paper)
ISSN (online)
The Revue Française de Sociologie, a quarterly review founded in 1960 by Jean Stoetzel, publishes work that furthers knowledge of the social world and the development of conceptual and technical instruments in the service of that knowledge.
With its readership of professional scientists, the Revue Française de Sociologie provides an open forum for sociological thought and plays an important role in promoting French and French-language sociological research. We have further developed this role recently by inaugurating an annual selection of Revue articles in English translation.
Olivier Galland
Pierre-Michel Menger
Denis Segrestin
Editorial assistants
Christelle Germain - Stéphane Le Lay
Revue française de sociologie
published with support from Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Edited by Presses de Sciences Po